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Comments on equality & justice.... by Edward Kennedy & like minded individuals

September 12, 2015


The Preacher Was On The Mark!

I attended church last Sunday and had to exert supreme control over myself to not stand up and proclaim to the preacher that he was on the mark in speaking the Truth, this specific part that I have spent decades in defending against the "God is love" crowd who are straddling the fence of error and apostasy.

That battle I have fought in different churches for decades last enjoined by a woman I know who attends a church close to me, brought a comment from her that I reminded her of Jonah, the Old Testament prophet who was angry that God did not destroy the people of Ninevah, even though they had repented of their evil and sins. Jonah pouted and complained to God about it. I laughed, it is not quite like that with me, I realize that God is omnipotent and not to be questioned in decisions He makes.

The crux of the argument is based on the foolish wishful thinking that God is too loving to punish anyone for their sins, much less damn them to eternal suffering.

We cannot possess love without having the capacity to hate, and since we were created in the image of God, it stands to reason God both loves but also hates, and it is natural and RIGHT for us to both love and hate as well. How can we love something without hating the nemesis that exist? How can we love children and grandchildren without hating the PEOPLE who represent dangers to their security and well being and even their very lives? The truth is that unless we are abnormal and subhuman, we CANNOT!

I hate terrorists, pimps, drug dealers, murderers, human traffickers, muslims who torture, rape and murder anyone who is not of their belief system. How can anyone but a dysfunctional fool be any different.

Hark, I now hear one of the biggest lies that I have ever heard and have fought for decades..."we must separate the sin from the sinner, love the sinner but hate the sins." Worse, I have heard "God loves the sinner and hates the sins." Fools! Even damned fools!

That lie is NOT scriptural, nor is it anything but error if not apostasy.

Tell me anyone, can you show me anywhere in scripture where God condemns sins to hell but not the sinner who commits those evils? Get a life, give your addle brained head a shake, and note that God calls those who murder, "murderers", those who steal He calls "thieves", etc and makes a point of saying that they who do such things will NOT INHERIT the Kingdom of Heaven!!!

So where did this errancy get started and where is it going? It is another simple tactic of the enemy, the prince of liars to change the reality into a fairy tale and to weaken the truth, diluting the message into a lie that ends with the actual denial of hell, contrary to scriptures. That lie encourages people to damn themselves by committing many different sins because if there is no punishment for sin, because God is love and love alone, then why not adulterate, fornicate, etc?

The state of affairs in religion is horrid, most mainline churches have swallowed the lies of false prophets, and fallen, not soon to get up, if they get up at all.

The disseminator of Truth is the Holy Bible, and the points and proofs of the Truth I speak, are to be found validated therein.

Let God be true and every man a liar. Amen!

Yours for truth,

Edward Kennedy

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