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Comments on equality & justice.... by Edward Kennedy & like minded individuals

July 3, 2016


Religion used to be equated with Christianity and what was right, good, proper and true. Today almost all religions are populated by sheeple who have fallen into the abyss of lies, led by religious leaders who have sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver, offered by mammon, the politically correct peons of pathetic pedantry existing in the corrupt secular realm.

The main tenet of religion today is to get along, no matter what, even if you have to deny the Truth, to get whatever you can even if it costs you your dignity, your self respect, and even your soul. (I trust the Slacks are reading this)

Ronald Goetz thirty years ago did not know his words would be prophetic when he exposed then the now current embrace of a focus on the God who suffered in the human misery existence.

While some may think this view has been ditched, nothing can be further from the Truth. IT IS NOT SCRIPTURAL TO SUBMIT TO CORRUPT LAWS THAT CAUSE SUFFERING, PAIN AND MISERY NOR TO SUFFER FOOLS, MISCREANTS AND ENEMIES OF ALL THAT IS GOOD. However, that is just what has and is occurring as fools embrace the "suffering/tolerant" worldview so common in the lost sheep, who have lost their way, refusing to oppose evil, refusing to expose and confront the pathetic but dangerous fascism of the politically correct dogma linked to dialectic secular humanism aka liberalism aka socialism aka communism, the greatest enemies of all that is good. Instead we are to suffer and tolerate such destructive ìsms`` Whether is is accepting perversion and other scriptural violations, or stealing/defrauding lying etc, it is all the same denila of God and the fellowshipping with hell.

Routine acceptance of the abominations of feminazism, aborticide, sexual perversions both homosexual and heterosexual, multicultist madness, the welfare state existence, massive personal and national debt caused by materialistic madness, etc are all linked to the "suffering God dogma." How so?

Mainly because religious people are taught to live and let live, even if they and/or innocent people suffer and die in the process. Western nations have embraced a passive acquiescence to their self imposed and embraced suffering from the elites of society lording over them, imposing fascist and corrupt legislation stealing God given rights, resulting in more and more human suffering and bondage.

We are supposed to accept the importation of muslim hordes that are uneducated, unproductive, and dangerous as well as being drains on the economy. We are supposed to accept that government drollops, the likes of Trudeau and his liberal predecessors have a right to pass harmful legislation that steals basic freedoms and imposes hardship. We are supposed to accept whatever the kooky creed of political correctness deigns to be normal, even if that alleged normalcy causes torture and death as in the case of aborticide. We are supposed to shut up and suffer persecution, for surely God will suffer with us. Oh, such nonsense, such idiocy and injustice!

Thus timid as church mice, religion and Christianity has/is embracing the liberal social constructs that are the prison cells of most, whose bars of total acceptance to all that is evil hold people fast bound, for fear of committing the unpardonable sin of offending liberal fools, many of them religious, and resulting in the knee jerk labels (libels) which panty waisted fools hurl at dissenters from the madness that exists in western societies today. Why people fear being called intolerant, rascists, bigots, homophobes, etc is beyond me, for the hurlers of these libels are but fools, even damned fools, and liars as they kiss the hairy asses of the multicultist muslime throngs now raping girls, robbing and murdering their western hosts of Europe, and setting the stage for sharia law which has become a practiced evil in most western nations foolish enough to accept the muslim hordes of useless economic immigrants.

True Christianity is NOT a `live and let live`existence. Murderers need to be executed, thugs need to be imprisoned or deported if they are recent immigrants, and corrupt leaders need to be trashed and deposed. It does not help though when the people are too foolish, cowardly and corrupt to vote good leaders into public office, and refuse to reject false leaders of apostate religions.

The state of affairs was orchestrated decades ago by enemies of freedom and justice, who in concert with religion, main stream media liars, and academia, educated children into the lie that is known as their official state religion, dialectic secular humanism which simply put, has one precept, `` Ìf it feels good, do it`` as applied to the totality of one`s existence.

A cursory look around tells the silent story...millions of babies slaughtered by aborticide...corrupt leaders of nations and religions...materialistic mad populations...massive personal and national debt...sick sexual perversions...etc etc etc

It has been presented to me, in discussions with elderly people, the few still alive who were pârents of the baby boomers, that a civil war will be necessary to restore things in most western nations to law, order, and MORALITY. Seems drastic, but these are the words of people who lived eight decades ago, having seen the slide down the slippery slope, while standing at the very top of that incline then.

There is one present factor and commonality in every free nation that signals the seriousness of it all, and that is the desperate attempts by corrupt and evil governments to ban all firearms, as has been done by most nations now ruled by despots and dictators. It is apparent in the USA right now where liars and enemies of freedom and justice, after every muslim terrorist attack and murders of innocent people who are in gun free zones, so called at the time of the attacks, stand on the dead bodies and demand gun control and banning. The current White House resident, is good at this ploy, but his administration and rule has seen more terrorist muslim attacks than under any other president. Get the drift.

I can only say that any government who does not trust its citizenry to own firearms, is not to be trusted itself.

Though they killed the bastard, it has somehow resurrected itself. The `bastard`I refer to is fascism and it has indeed been resurrected under the new and acceptable name of `political correctness`` whose opponents would be similarly murdered were the nations disarmed, freedom of expression outlawed, and common sense banned.

We are almost there today and in response to the opinions of those elderly people who have said a revolution is required to return western nations to sanity, I would say at this stage of the game, they are almost correct.

To be sure, there are left a hard core silent group already prepared if push comes to shove and whose beliefs are summed up in a few immortal words, `Give me liberty or give me death` that echo through the ages from the founding fathers of the USA down to those who love freedom today. These will not go down quietly and without a whimper, the system knows it, and even fears them.

There is no such animal as temporal security in the financial, political, or any mode in this human existence. Nor is there any change in the reality of the perpetual struggle of good vs evil.

It is certainly not hard to know which side is which for the Holy Bible clearly identifies the sons of Satan and the destroyers of happiness. They almost abide all on the left.

History will gladly verify that last statement, if you care to seek the truth.

Always, Edward

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