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Freedom, and justice are vanishing entities in our province and our nation.

Comments on equality & justice.... by Edward Kennedy & like minded individuals

July 18, 2016

Baboo the negro pussycat kackass

This guy has to be cracked, worse than Hellery, the ovomit, Holder, Pelosi. Warren and the whole corrupt administration of the ovomit including moochelle.

There exist NO BLACK SLAVES today in the USA alive, and anyone who claims reparations is a head case living in la la land.

Is it any wonder that Caucasians, in the face of racist bigotted negro nut cases like the black pussycats are buying firearms for self defense by the multiple millions monthly.

I do believe there is a a potential for an actual race war with morons like this clown and his odious organization that has threatened death to Whites many times in the past.

That war already started decades ago with the high black on white violent crime rate. I think a lot of people are saying enough of this bs and want to settle the problems LIEBERAL NEGROES are causing as well as the far worse element of liberal cracker jerks who have been brain washed by the political correct hacks of religion, msm liars and whores, political peons and follywood fools.

I for one am a fifth generation Irish stock immigrant who has not been on welfare and whose forbearers as well came here to work and in the process benefitted the nation. No damned moron entitled lardass of ANY race has the right to be here without contributing to society.

Uncommon Sense: New Black Panther Party Wants to Make America Segregated Again - Article / Video

Yours for truth,

Edward Kennedy

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