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Freedom, and justice are vanishing entities in our province and our nation.

Comments on equality & justice.... by Edward Kennedy & like minded individuals

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hoplophobia sign

August 28, 2018


These doldaic dunces of damnable dizzy poltroonity who in their hoplophobic fervor demand guns be banned, are getting the cart before the horse once again.

I own handguns, two that are prohibited and some long guns. These totalitarian leftist lackies and lologiguous lunatics apparently have not heard about theft/stealing being illegal and a criminal action. Once again these cowards try to suggest law enforcement become their dupes as they themselves have peas for balls and spines of rubber with a yellow colored aura that shines through their vapid Starbucks and ovomit T-shirts, blending into the color of their pink lace colored undies.

Pray tell you limp wristed freaks, where in bloody hell are the suggestions for how to raise billions to pay the market value of millions of firearms? Perhaps you stunned stupefying morons think law enforcement will once again be your patsies you saddle with the task of STEALING private property? Last time I looked, even land slated for expropriation had a value paid by the damned corrupt system. So where do you alinskyitic liars and mental midgets get the idea the system can walk into our homes and seize private property? That will not happen, though the leftist commies of the system, academia and other inarticulate asinine groups think it is a slam dunk. (I dare any of you hoplophobes to try it)

I doubt many would even care to sell their firearms as they require them for protection against domestic terrorists like antifa and racist "anti racist" clods of dried dung infested with the magotry of political correctness.

Three nations who embraced totalitarian bigotry, criminality and fascistic foolishness namely Australia, New Zealand and Britian seized fireamrs years ago but paid for all of them.

M L King stated that an immoral law is a non law and the idea that a manure spreader load of screaming leftist maggots wallowing in the stench of their corrupt fascism and overseeing the seizure of private property, let alone without compensation, can oversee and over rule God who has given Sovereign right of security of the person to all of us, is a pipe dream of la la land looniness compete with pink unicorns, rainbows and cotton candy.

Do NOT forget the enemy is the system with its dollardic dunces like Tory and academic ass wipe leftist professors, with their political hacks in the lead of the fascist mob of loons with their pants down, having their ample hairy asses kissed and licked by the hoplophobic hoodlums of the main stream media whoring liars.

For example EVEN IF I were to agree to surrender my SOVEREIGN right to two of my handguns, I would require almost $2000. just to consider it.

So all you rebels out there, do NOT target the police if push comes to shove. If you want to take anyone down, I do not want to hear about it, but make sure it is the hoplophobic fascists of the system and any/all hoplophobes out and about. These are the enemies and include all parties except the CHP and the CPC. There may be some fringe parties I am unaware of that still stand for freedom, you should check up on.

Be aware the police are set up like a military unit. Failure to obey orders, even if they place the foot soldiers in danger, is a serious crime that will lead to serious consequences for the rebelling officers.

There are many ways to thwart the real criminals who are in the system without hurting anyone and still effectively win.

Think long and hard on the proof that in Ottawa, the little pocs(piece of cockroach shit) puke I refer to as Justie is already a damned hoplophobic commie, a baby torturing/murdering scum coward, a liar, anti Christian bigot and hater, and a self styled Fidel.

DO NOT fail to resist and do NOT give these enemies of all that is good a free pass to steal your guns and worse, steal your Sovereign rights.

For my part, I challenge the cowardly criminal hoplophobe hooligans to first guarantee that murderers, rapists, home invaders and terrorists will give their guns up first. Until then, I do not want to hear or smell the stench of your leftist hypocrisy and challenge you to come in person and try to break into my house and steal my guns. If you come at all, armed and seek to break into my castle, be aware it might well be wise to have put your affairs in order first and your will complete. I have no time for legends in their own leftist loopy minds.

I did mine a few years ago and for the record, will not tolerate any liar, criminal/coward trampling over my rights. I know I am not alone.

It would also be a good time, if the corrupt communist system proceeds to write a law that is essentially ILLEGAL/IMMORAL, for everyone to buy stock in criminal lawyer law firms.

Yours for truth,

Edward Kennedy

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