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Freedom, and justice are vanishing entities in our province and our nation.

Comments on equality & justice.... by Edward Kennedy & like minded individuals


April 23, 2017


"Then cried they all again, saying, not this man but Barabbus. Now Barabbus was a robber." St John 18:40

How often do we choose to let loose our passions, our selfish desires, our clamoring for the damned dollar at someone else's expense, our self aggrandizements, control us, instead of choosing to do what is right? Why is humanity so evil? Why do individuals participate in human trafficking, sex slavery, pimping, drug dealing, murder, rape, and many other evils in their lives?

Every time we make a bad choice, choosing that instead of the right thing to do, we become part and parcel of the same crowd who chose Barabbus instead of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Epitome of all that is right and Barabbus all that is wrong. This one verse, carries down through history to the present thousands of years later, to indict us in the same crowd, led by the religious leaders of the day, who were responsible for the torture and crucifiction of Jesus Christ. There is not a one of us who can claim we are other than that. Try as we might, lying to ourselves in the process and making our situation worse by our embrace of pride, we tend to embrace what is wrong, out of that foolish pride, the one thing God hates perhaps more than anything.

There are people wondering who I think I am writing such things about scripture and God, being as rough as I am. All I can say is that I base my words here on scriptures and not opinions, on Truth and not on politically correct folly, on the way things are instead of the way everyone wants them to be.

This is a short vignette, but straight and to the point.

You see, out there all around in the world are billions of people who deny their lost state, deny their sins, denying their shortcomings, and letting their foolish pride lift them up or rather expose them to damnation and misery, usually in a reverse order of those two things.

I am no polished minister, no silver tongued orator, no soft spoken individual who refuses to rock the boat.

The Truth is direct and blunt, and many of us deny it to assuage our fears and in so doing, perpetuate our cowardice and lost estate.

That of course, is an individual decision/choice we must make, freely and of our own accord.

That is one of the things I love about God. He is not a bully, an inquisitor, a politically correct fascist or a tyrant. He offers us the right to determine our destiny and so too we must allow others to choose theirs.

Let God be true and every man a liar. He of course, is, and the man who does not lie has nothing to say.

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